Dreamers Paradise

Friday, April 3, 2015

What happens when you travel the world?

One of the most common questions I get when people find out I travel and work as a travel agent is some version of, "don't you get scared?". Umm yes but I'm faced with a choice to either stop and let fear control me or face that feeling. 
Yes as a blonde girl I get lots of unwanted attention, but I get it no matter where I go. 
England, France, Colorado.. You name it. 
One moment that made me the angriest is when someone told me "I would never let me daughter go to xyz place". That's fine as long as it's for the right reasons. 
Qualities a fine traveler has
1. Recognize the difference between scared fear and this is not good fear
2. Be adaptable
3. Be friendly 
4. Be brave
5. Be tolerant and understanding 
-- this one is hard for people from the United States. We are all about time. Try going to India or France and things do not run on time. I waited 1.5 hours for a train in India once. This makes catching a flight tricky at times. 

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