Dreamers Paradise

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

5 tips and tricks to survive traveling 3rd world

Having lived in a few different countries I have felt my own variations of homesickness. I mean lets face it, life outside of the USofA is different. So to combat I have come up with a few tricks to keep that homesickness at bay.

1. Bring your favorite treat (gummies, popcorn, gum, chocolate etc). chances are they wont have it or it tastes different. Even though I have found my favorite treats in each country, after a time you start craving that one thing and it helps just to have a little taste of home to keep you from going crazy.

2. After travelling and at times sweating in places that aren't up to Americas standard of clean, I start feeling like crap... for whatever reason taking some time to really "pamper" myself makes me feel better. Whether that is washing clothes, shaving my legs, putting lotion on those said legs, or going somewhere nice that requires you to ditch the traveling clothes and dress up.

3. Take a rest day and do something "American" like going to a movie, taking a nap, reading a book, finding an American restaurant.

4. Before you leave pack something you enjoy (food, a book, music, clothes, products for great hair) and when you hit those days where you start wondering what you were thinking in going abroad, pull out your "sanity pack".

5. When you first arrive, write down the things that amaze you and that you find fascinating. When you start having days when you cant remember what you liked about travelling pull out that list. Be candid when writing it.

No Shame in stopping at the Krispy Kreme for a donut every time we went thru Bangkok
Thailand offered great, cheap smoothies

Loved the gate art in India

Every now and then we come up with crazy ideas that provide many laughs and stress relief
My favorite thing to watch at big sites is everyone posing, when you don't have the
perspective their photographer does, people look hilarious.
Take a step back and watch all those people..
Sometimes if you just remember the magical feeling of arriving in your dream destination it is enough
Everywhere has a heart warming moment if you look
Watching how excited everyone gets (adults and kids) when they see the magic come alive

What tricks do you have when travelling?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pray for...

Normally when a tragedy happens I see and post about "Praying for...." but with events of the last few days let alone the month and year I am at a loss of what to say and do. Prayers and thoughts are all well and dandy but what else are we and can we do to help? Everywhere needs help and thoughts, no where has been immune to tragedy.

This year alone we have seen Flooding in Chennai India, Earthquake in Chile, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Argentina, Fiji, Mexico, Tonga, Greece, New Zealand, and many more. There have been a total of 13,370 earthquakes in 2015 alone ranging on the Richter scale from 4.0-8.3 with the deadliest being in Nepal with over 8,000 people dead. (source Wikipedia list of earthquakes 2015)

Refugees from Syria, Mass shootings around the world most recently in Paris, & California.
Some ask, "is it safe to travel?" after some thought my answer is no. Even within our own communities we are taking that risk, however it is so needed. By traveling we represent our country in a way politicians cannot, we show the true American spirit rather then the Hollywood stereotype.

All of these disasters present an opportunity for the human race to step forward and show their better side. We have all seen the worst of humanity with terrorist attacks both domestic and international, now is the time to have the best of humanity come forth and show good still does exist in the world.
Smile at your neighbor stop to help someone as they are struggling, any little act goes a long way. We can fight with kindness. It is time to see the beauty in the world again, both in the culture & beliefs of others as well as in the natural beauty all around.

"I don not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to express it to the last"- Voltaire