Dreamers Paradise

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The magic of phuket

*** sometimes just to keep everyone on their toes! I post things out of order on accident, oh wait! I was supposed to say on purpose. Cats out of the bag, I forgot to post this one, so here is DAY ONE of Phuket!***

Picture this, a ride out to your 'jet boat' from the island, on a long tail boat, followed by jumping onto the ship. Once you're on you head to the bow of the boat (or the stern, whichever is front facing) to soak up the sun and the spray and splash of the sea water below.  The scenery is beautiful, islands reaching incredible heights out of the ocean blue, literally, complete with white sand beaches, and covered in greenery. The cliffs of these islands are fascinating, with all their crevices and overhangs. 

This place is surreal, and the stop-off on Phi-Phi island completes it like a cherry on top.  Colorful boats dotting the bay, markets, offers of massages, beach goers out in full force, the only thing that could make it better is a smoothie. 
Oh wait, turn the corner and your in luck. A smoothie stall with a sumptuous variety of fruit.  Mango is a classic, but watermelon is what you go for, and it doesn't disappoint. After bargaining with vendors, a pedicure, and a stop off for lunch and wifi, you board the boat yet again for the final stretch to Phuket. On board you find your companions are a trio of older adventurers, and a group of college aged vacationers. Both groups keep you entertained.

Arrival into Phuket's port proves to be an adventure, all the luggage is stacked on top of each other, and your fellow travelers rush to get off the boat, which means crossing 2 other boats to get to the dock.  From there we are split into groups depending on where we are headed. You head to old Phuket, a little unsure of what to expect, but it proves to be worth it.  Your hotel is cute, literally, with lots of colors and a 'candy shop meets Hello Kitty' theme, it is worth the stay. 

For dinner you head down the street, the girls at the hotel desk suggested a place, but you can't quite remember what it is.. After lots of wondering you stumble upon Won Changs, a delicious conglomerate  of themes, and food. 
Walking home you pass one of the best restaurants you've ever seen. 'B Cats'. Not only is it a restaurant, but you can also get your quality cat time in as well.. (Something's are better left separate, and I think this might be one of them)

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