Day 3
We awoke to a lovely morning, which of course meant it was time for the beach!!!
Thailand is known for their gorgeous beaches. Phuket is the most well known spot out of all Thailand. But 1st we were going Zorbing.
We grabbed a tuk tuk and gave him the address (let it be known, they may say they know the address... not always true, so plan extra time and be ready for an adventure.)
Our driver got us to Patong beach, and informed us it was just up "this" drive...(he pointed his finger at our next right, where some hotels were at) So we naively believed him, you would think we would be smarter, but the sun was shining and we were on a happiness high from all the beauty around us.
We walked over to "that" drive.. nothing. We asked the people around... they knew nothing about it either.
On their website, for Rollerball, it says they are 2 minutes from Patong beach, just after the Sunset Resort. Since we are girls, we stopped and asked for some directions, and while the guy didn't know about the Zorbing, he did recognize the hotel. ** In the defense of Rollerball, they offer a free pickup from your Patong beach hotel, or if you want to pay a little extra they will pick you up at your hotel outside of Patong. You should probably take them up on that offer** After stopping to take some photos and meeting a friendly German couple, who kindly offered to take our picture followed by a group of guys from Australia asking us to take pictures for them, we were once again back on our way.
We finally made it to the resort and found a sign pointing us in the right direction, right up a steep hill. Needless to say, we got a great workout and enjoyed the water event even more.

What an adventure, they have about 40 litres of water in the ball to keep it slick, so you don't start sticking to the sides. To get in, you dive thru the opening into the water, and then they seal off the opening and off you go down the course. The first time is exhilarating as you figure out what is happening, as your are being bounced around. You finally end with a "whomp". You hop out and onto their truck, loaded with the ball and speedily head up to the top for another go. This was a blast, if you don't believe me check out these reviews.
They also have killer crepe carts along the road, so naturally I devoured a mango crepe and it was heavenly!
We ended our day playing in the waves, and drying in the sun before we headed home for dinner at Eleven & Co. except, SURPRISE!!! all of walking street was closed!!! SoWon Chons it was for our good bye meal of delectable Pad Thai & Mango Crepe.
All in all I loved Phuket, if you are looking for a Hawaii with a cultural spin on it, Phuket is the place. Massages on the beach for $10-$15, jet boat rentals (also cheap), parasailing, snorkeling, restaurants overlooking the beach. With it being low-season we had plenty of opportunities and lots of space.
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