Dreamers Paradise

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sayings of India

It was exactly one week ago today, that I jumped from overnight train to cab to plane and landed in Dubai(more to come on that as well). I have missed India much more then I thought I would. From the close relationships with the groups, to the honking of horns lulling me to sleep every night as my feet freeze next to the AC and the rest of my body dies of heat.
I miss my Indian Mothers (more to come next post) my everything Mangos, and all the jewelry and saris both in shops and worn around the country.
I even miss all the security checks and weekly coke runs. But what I miss most is things people say to me, whether thats a passing auto, a friend in the slums, or a sign on the street.
They are all unique to India.
So without further ado here are some of my favorite sayings I heard around India..

"Keep that info undercovers"adding "S" to the end of words is popular, like mealS, undercoverS..
"Same same" said when they don't want to discuss something further
"Why this price??" When we told an auto driver what we would pay
"I make my own shade" -Urmi's response when we invited her to the shade of a tree. She was referring to the umbrella she carries around
"Sister!!" By all the lovely children of India

"Are you married or unmarried?" If you say unmarried but are wearing a toe ring they will ask why, as the toe ring is equivalent to a ring on the left hand ring finger 
"Why are you not married?"

"From which country you are??" Said exactly like that..
"From which state," I say Utah by California, 'oh california!'
"One photo please?" meaning, we will take 5 or 10 but with just one of us.. maybe
"What you do here?" Reply: we work with non-profits
-you work, how much you make?"
- what NGO you work for?
- what do you do?
"Where is your jewelry?" Since all women where jewelry all the time, I was often asked where my bling was.
"Why these shoes?" If wearing anything but slip on, flip-flop style sandals.
Che- actually chai but they say it so fast.
"End your affair with speed" Random signs on the roads (these are treasures!)

I am counting on the team to help me remember more of these fabulous sayings : ) 

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