Dreamers Paradise

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sometimes things go the other way

So being an avid traveller you are:
A. Flexible in schedule, food and accommodations 
B. 'Prepared' for the unexpected.

Mostly I am going with part B. in this post. Coming to India there are certain expectations both good and bad. You prepare as well as you can by loading up on pepto bismal, Tums, American chocolate, emergency cash, extra passport photos, and copies of both passport and visa. You take stock from your previous experiences and plan for the (it will not actually happen)worst based on those. However every with the all the planning every now and then something unexpected comes up.
In a third world country you are left to your own defenses, if your lucky, one of your fellow travelers may have a solution. From folklore, to old wives remedy, or a legit medicine. Don't knock it till you tried it. With 6 in house 'doctors'* something is bound to work, things take time, don't despair. Everything will look up eventually,
if all else fails... (Be warned though)
Take a deep breath, make sure everything in your life is set in order** and make it to a doctor,
or maybe 3, you know just for a common consensus.***

*note, in house doctors are not actually doctors, but rather my very knowledgeable and opinionated (in he best possie way) roommates.
**Satire humor. Things aren't so bad that setting your life in order is required. But it sure wouldn't hurt.
***good 3rd world practice especially for tourists**

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