There are very few traffic lights, and even fewer stop signs. So people cross whenever they want to, or turn in the middle of traffic. We are learning the unspoken rules here of traffic*.
*most important is honking etiquette
1. Honk to pass
2. Honk when turning
3. Honk when going around a corner
4. Honk when coming up on something moving slower then you
5. Honk when pulling over
6. Honk when a bus (or truck, or car, or motorcycle or scooter) is holding up traffic
7. When driving signal with hands, even if you have a working turn signal
8. Drive mostly on the left side of road
9. Pass others at pleasure
10.Watch out for pedestrians who cross at will (aka everyone)
11. Watch out for moving vehicles who decide to drive on shoulder of the wrong side of the road.
12. Watch out for moving vehicles who decide to turn into the flow of traffic to cross the street
13. If you are a pedestrian make sure to hold out your hand, no higher then hip level, to 'stop' traffic as you cross the road
14. Walk at leisure, but with confidence, across said road
15. Each type of vehicle has a different horn, listen and act accordingly
16. Hope on/off the bus ASAP as they don't always make a full and complete stop.
17. When in doubt follow a native, or better yet ask one for help and they will guide you all the way across (and possibly to your destination) if your lucky.
18. As a tourist when crossing watch out for autos who will stop just in front of you at the perfect moment just to ask you if you want a ride, and end up messing with your plan for crossing the road.
19. Once you cross half way (to the median) make sure to stand directly in the middle (or if your a tourist, stand on the median blocks) to assure you're not to far in either lane.
20. Don't forget to watch out for number one(you) and the open trenches on the sides of the road.
21. Honk, when annoyed, for a very long time
22. Honk, if your a bus coming upon a bus stop
23. Honk whenever you see a foreigner
24. Honk when you come upon someone walking along the side of the road
There are many hidden rules we are still discovering. Each place has there own spin on the rules. Be on your toes and you'll be just fine.
Keep tuned more to come on.... (drumroll please) our Himalayan adventure!!
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