Last leg of the trip, Delhi. After we hired our taxi driver to take us from Agra to Delhi I am pretty sure we all fell asleep. I can't help it, something about car rides in the rain are magical to me and lull me to sleep. We had a rough start, the hostel we were going to stay at was completely booked, but we did get a few recommendations from the staff for other hotels.
Hudson and I went to check out a couple hotels while the group sat with our stuff. Once we decided on our hotel we went out to explore and found a great little restaurant tucked away amongst the shops.
Finally the true moment I had been waiting for, the 4th of July celebration for American citizens at the embassy. I had prepared for this, once I realized there was a celebration in Delhi I began working on my fellow friends to help them realize their own desire to go party. In Darjheeling Ann and I had found these awesome leggings to enhance the American spirit. Oh and US passport is required to enter.
Once in there was american food, games, and FIREWORKS!
The best part was the dancing, I love a good dance party and once Ann and I got up and danced our little hearts out we were joined but many more fellow American citizens. Dancing has never felt so good.
Once the party ended I met one of the members that work at the embassy, we chatted and had a great time, she introduced me (and in turn everyone else in the group) to other ex-pats. We passed the test(mostly since we don't drink) and were invited to join them at the Belgium embassy to watch the World Cup in the quarter finals as they played against Argentina. The Belgians provided Beer which everyone was super excited about, and since we don't drink we became their new favorite friends.
It was such an amazing experience to have, this trip was so worth the stress and effort.

Sunday we found a ward (very difficult to find the meetinghouse) and attended church. After we went to the Lotus temple. Beware there is a long winding line to get into the grounds, but it goes fairly quickly. It was such a beautiful and peaceful place from the building to the grounds, totally worth the wait. The Bahia faith is a beautiful belief.
The more I travel and learn about other cultures, religions, and beliefs I realize we as the human race have much more in common than not. Yet as humans we to often focus on the differences and let those differences tear us apart. What would the world be like our main export was respect, and love for one another. We are all living our own personal truths and doing what we can to survive and thrive in this life. How amazing would it be if we all stopped to help another? This is one thing that impacts me the most about travel, I am representing my country, my religion and woman. Am I leaving people better than I found them, with a positive lasting impact so one day when someone speaks ill of what I represent and hold dear, the individual I met will think twice before believing that ill.
We often hear one person can't change the world.. But one person can if we believe in ourselves, for better or worse. To name a few people that changed the world. Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Michael Jordan, Nelson Mandela, Walt Disney, Madam Curie, Florence Nightingale the list goes on and on. So yes, I believe a smile and a positive word can change the world.

Ann & I both ordered salads and this (to the left) is how they came.. Something different… After we grabbed a couple of Autos and raced to the airport, barely making it in time to catch the bus from the auto drop off to the airport, and then barely making it to check in for our flight. We even got an escort to get us thru security and down the terminal to our flight. Turns out my seat was double booked so I enjoyed a nice flight in 1st class. It is a miracle we have not missed a flight or bus in this country when traveling. We have had so man "walk on" moments.
Lastly one of my favorite things in India but especially Delhi are the "warning" signs and slogans. The picture below says STOP Criticizing. Thank you India for reminding us to be better people.
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