Dreamers Paradise

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Quirks I picked up traveling

*Travelling introduces you not only to a new culture but within that culture a new way of doing things... I have a few cultural quirks that have stayed with me despite being home in America.

*I can't remember if it's left right left I look or right left right before crossing the road. So I do both just to be sure.

*Same goes for reading, when people write "backwards" it doesn't seem odd.

*Even less noticeable is how a book opens. 

*Spelling and dates; I get confused between the American version and the world version
ie someone tells me their birthdate is 06/01/2000 is that January 6th or June 1st...

*Sometimes I forget to turn off the car before getting out... It's getting better.. I mean I didn't have to open car doors for 3 months, you just climbed in...

*Layovers don't scare me, nor does flying alone to a new airport

*I mix up simple phrases in various languages. Is "si" Spanish or Italian or both?? 

*Digging through my coins to find US currency is a small task...on the upside I'm set if we have any dramatic changes in the exchange rate

*On another upside my international pronounciation has been better since I can usually identify which language I am pronouncing. 

*I have a bag packed with everything but clothes and shoes... Kind of like having separated parents and you have one set at moms and one set at dad's..

*When I go shopping the first thoughts are 'How well is this going to travel?'

*Speaking of which when people compliment me on something I'm wearing, especially accessories, they know my answer will involve a place I travelled and therefore they probably wont ever get it.

*Upon purchasing anything I have to check myself on bartering...

*I am horribly aware of the lack of cleanliness...  
* I am always prepared with tissue, hand sanitizer, band aids, gum and whatever else I won't find while traveling...
* I get to public places and go to use something only to realize the lack of cleanliness and then I realize I have survived worse. 
*Sometimes I forget how things really are in America, and I get greater culture shock coming home then I did going foreign. (true story every time)

*And then I remember all the things I took for granted on my vacation. Like the abundance of spices, mango lassi and watermelon shakes for a dollar... and of course a grand adventure.
*This picture isn't the grand adventure.*

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