What a great day to travel! During the night it poured rain complete with lightning and thunder. So when our bus came to pick us up it was perfect, despite the literal downpour.
We made a few more rounds and then all packed onto a bigger bus for the ride to the border. Our total travel time was to be 6 hours to Bangkok... Those 6 hours turned into 12.
We drove to the border, and then all had to cross the border on foot, getting out of Campodia was easy, getting into Thailand was a bit trickier with a very long, long line. But once thru we broke into smaller groups and rode in vans to Bangkok.
I had scheduled our flight at 21.00 to give us plenty of time, turns out that time vanished with the rain and we barely made it to the ticket counter on time. We did get to ride the airport link which was super fancy, and convenient. Unless you have large bags...
Oh tidbit Seven-Eleven is everywhere over there, and are happy to break large bills that the ATM spits out. We boarded our flight where off to Chiang Mai. I love landing at night in a new city. It's like a surprise waiting to happen. You take roads and end up at your hotel, with no idea of your surroundings, but then in the morning you wake up and take a look outside and SURPRISE there is a beautiful, or not so beautiful in some cases, view out your window.

Other plans we had for Cambodia and are worth checkin out
Volunteer at an Orphanage
Yoga-Plethora of studios
Artisan Classes http://www.backstreetacademy.com/#!siem-reap/cmh3
This place has local artisans that will teach you their trade, and with how inexpensive it is, it is definitely worth a look
List of more activities for Siem Reap
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