As the weekend winds down, 2 things have overtaken my Facebook feed; the Paris attacks and the Migrant crisis in Europe. Many people are concerned that Obama is letting migrants into America, but have we stopped to consider the most Americans were once migrants? After the discovery of the "new world" people came (i.e. the mayflower..) for freedom from religious persecutions. They came for freedom from various oppressions (or seemed oppressions for all the ships bearing criminals).
These are my thought and mine alone, if we can sit and deny that type of freedom from others, do we deserve that? Why does it matter where one was born? Not all(in fact most) from the middle east are terrorists, not all Germans were Nazi's, not all Christians were crusaders, not all Americans are sleeping around as many movies portray to the world outside America. Yet when I have travelled to the middle east I have never been injured or attacked, I was always treated with the utmost respect and hospitality. Even in Muslim heavy areas such as Dubai, and Jerusalem, during Ramadan, the muslim month of fasting, I was given clean, cold water and juice after walking into a store from the incredibly hot world outside. They asked for nothing in return. On the occasion I fast I don't offer food or drink to others as it causes a small amount of discomfort to me as I watch them partake of what I am temporarily giving up. I cannot stress this enough, please do not judge a religion, or a culture based on the extreme few. When did we become a country that lived in fear? We cannot change the world is a load of crap, we all have influence on those around us, use that influence for promoting peace, not biased opinions of hate.