Whew, time has flown. I have updated this blog a million times in my head. Maybe someday when we have advanced technology that action will actually count. Now it is finally time to add to this blog, (which is long overdue).
Anywho, where was I...oh here we go...so I am very good at trying new things, which has its drawbacks, I am proficient at many things but I don't feel like I excel at any one thing. Even when it comes to making dreams come true, I am just as everyone else, I don't chase every dream I have, I have failings and regrets, however I made a resolution to travel at every opportunity this year. Which I should have been better prepared for. When you put something like that out into the universe, the universe answers back. Which leaves a problem how do you answer back when not prepared. There are some years I yearn to find a travel opportunity and this year by the end of March I will have filled my year and spilled over into the next year. Which is thrilling till the little, logical voice in the back of my head says "seriously when are you going to "settle down" and get a "real" job, and a "normal" life. Before you know it you are going to be 30 and still in the same position you are now. Going from job to job, little savings as you keep on finding more and more opportunities to travel and see the world. Sometimes I listen to that voice and kick myself as I see friends graduating college and going for their masters, or finding a career, every now and then I even get jealous that they have a family and the excitement of a little one on the way. But then I remember not all education is given solely by institutions. What about the school of hard-knocks, or the knowledge I gain from traveling the world, meeting all sorts of people and learning about their walks in life. My "career" may not fit the typical mold, but I cant help but love it. I stumbled across this quote that gives life perspective.
" To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." e.e. cummings, 1955
How true this plays out, I am me, different then every other person out there. I have had a different life experience that has shaped who I am, and so it is time to embrace me. Even though, and especially when I don't fit the mold of society. Will I always travel, yes. When there comes a time I can no longer do it via airplane, I will still travel in my mind, thru books and learning. It is who I am. Embrace it.